0L (✊☀)

0L Network official Discord community server

0L (✊☀)

Created: April 17, 2021

Members: 7881

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A transformation in society is taking place and layer-1 computational blockchains are the substrate. While the economic fortunes of layer-1 computational blockchains may wax and wane, the goal of the collective behind them should be to transition their economic stake from the infrastructure layer into the application layer. This leap will take time, and most blockchains will not make the leap. Coordinating the labor and care that goes into the work of producing a blockchain that can make the leap is not trivial. We propose some principles so that blockchains can successfully cross over to that shore when the day comes…

0L is a community driven state of the art blockchain project that has no foundation or VC backing. Join us if you are interested to learn more and contribute.