ZI Club
Futebol é no ZI Club! Acompanhe todos os jogos, participe de palpites e receba prèmios! Zueira liberada
![Underground Roleplay [ANDROID E PC]](https://discord-servers.site/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Underground-Roleplay-ANDROID-E-PC.jpg)
Underground Roleplay [ANDROID E PC]
Este servidor Discord é uma expansão do servidor SAMP Underground. Entre e fique a vontade. :D

BattleBit Brasil
Bem-vindo (a) à maior comunidade dedicada ao público Brasileiro de BattleBit. Equipe-se, divirta-se e bom jogo!

SteveZ TV
Servidor do YouTuber SteveZ TV. O objetivo do nosso servidor é sempre melhorar sua experiência na plataforma!

República Coisa de Nerd
O servidor do Rep. Coisa de Nerd é um espaço de interação da Cambada com os inscritos e conteúdos dos canais do YouTube.

Comunidade Soberana
A Soberana é um coletivo marxista-leninista que atua na disputa pela consciência política dos trabalhadores na internet.
Comunidade interativa voltada a League of Legends, TFT, Wild Rift e Valorant com campeonatos e torneios.

Servidor do Chelly
oiii, me conhecendo ou não, fica a vontade e n repara a bagunça, seja educado como se aqui fosse sua casa <3

Play Life RP 1 VOIP ON
Venha Conhecer O Melhor Servidor de RP SAMP | server.brasilplaylife.com.br:7778 | 600+ Player | Estilo FiveM

Square Cloud | Host de Bots & Sites
Hospedagem profissional gratuita para bots, websites e APIs. Automatize seu projeto agora! É grátis! Vamos lá!

Server do R2Extreme!
Junte-se ao servidor oficial do R2Extreme! Entre, se divirta, e faça varias de trades no Rocket League!

Brasil Cidade Grande MTA:SA
Somos um dos maiores e melhor servidor de MTA:SA RP, constantes atualizações, atendimento 24/7.

Comunidade Portuguesa de R6 Siege
Grupo que tem como objetivo juntar todos os jogadores portugueses de Rainbow Six Siege, divertirmos e tornarmos fortes.

White Room Br
Servidor da maior e melhor scan de tradução da obra Youjitsu (Classroom Of The Elite).

HostSquare – hostsquare.com.br ©
HostSquare é uma empresa Brasileira de hospedagem de jogos e serviços na internet.

Pioneira em hospedagem de servidores de jogos e projetos digitais no brasil! #vemprastability

Vaca Roxa
Somos um servidor de desenvolvimento de jogos indie, uma comunidade e sobre tudo uma revolução na criação de games

O assunto da comunidade GabiCode é de Programação. Sejam todos(as) muito bem vindos(as)!

㊙ Street Drift Japan ㊗
Seja muito bem vindo à Street Drift Japan, somos uma comunidade de drift virtual e um servidor social.

Mirai Translations
Nós somos um Servidor de traduções com foco em jogos, com uma comunidade otaku/geek ativa.

| Inside Designs
Somos um servidor com o intuito de melhorar imenso os designs em Portugal!Inside Designs, "Inside the Designs"

✸ ✸
Bem vindo ao maior servidor brasileiro de THE ISLE, Prelude Realismo. Mostre que você é bom e sobreviva em nosso mundo.

Capital Imperial uma comunidade ativa de jogos de estratégia e simulação, eventos especiais e diversidade de membros.

Servidor BR focado em GTA 5 e Fortnite. Junte-se a nós para participar de uma das melhores comunidades de Games.

Olá, nosso servidor é focado em servidores de Minecraft. IP -> veanty.com Site -> https://veanty.com/

Bem-vindo à Comunidade Brasileira de WarThunder no Discord. Junte-se para melhorar suas habilidades.;;https://discord.gg/invite/war-thunder-brasil-474044305489657857;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/474044305489657857/9324b0570d2c61e257e008c94ad5b1b2.jpg?size=256;3289;August 1st, 2018;Portuguese;
281047897380880384;Spyro the Dragon;General Chatting, Subreddit, Memes, Art, Fandom, Gaming;A place to talk about our favourite purple dragon.;Going from the classic series on the PS1, then to TLoS, Skylanders, and the most recent release of Reignited, we are a hub for all Spyro fans to talk about their favourite purple dragon, regardless of what series they love him for. We are an engaging community that features multiple channels for the variety of Spyro games, as well as general chats to just chill and hang out and talk with new people!;https://discord.gg/invite/spyro;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/281047897380880384/a_f7afd0b353b9a72cb29ad25d83264ccd.jpg?size=256;3288;February 14th, 2017;English;
877130463662182410;IRUSU✩;Gaming, General Chatting, Emoji, Comics & Cartoons, Anime & Manga, Entertainment;Cerchi persone con le tue medesime passioni? Anime, manga e videogames, puoi trovare di tutto su Irusu!;Irusu è tutto ciò che cerchi!
Con noi il divertimento è assicurato:
- Potrai conoscere nuove persone con le tue stesse passioni grazie all'attività in chat testuale. Non importa che tu sia un amante del cinema o dei videogiochi, o se magari preferisci passare il tempo guardando anime e cantando le tue opening preferite sotto la doccia, su Irusu troverai sicuramente chi la pensa proprio come te!
- Lo staff è sempre attivo: giorno o notte, alba o crepuscolo, non importa l'ora!
Uno staffer ci sarà per un caldo benvenuto e per introdurti agli utenti, scambiando chiacchiere con te e facendoti sentire ben accetto. E in caso di bisogno, avrai sempre la possibilità di contattare lo staff tramite un ticket!
- Irusu è libertà di espressione: non vogliamo limitare la vostra personalità, è giusto che chiunque vi conosca per quel siete.
Basta seguire poche e semplici regole ed il gioco è fatto!
- Intrattenere l'utenza è importante per noi, per questo abbiamo a cuore le attività che vi coinvolgono: serate a tema, giochi compagnia e Watch Together di qualunque tipo! E se non troverete nulla che vi possa piacere, non preoccupatevi, il nostro staff è sempre aperto a nuove proposte!
Quindi, che aspetti?
Entra su Irusu, stiamo aspettando solo TE!;https://discord.gg/invite/irusu-877130463662182410;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/877130463662182410/c8a38249e4eaae27ae75b9a068d01904.jpg?size=256;3278;August 17th, 2021;Italian;
1014982457960955904;Oshary Games;General Chatting, Entertainment, Roleplay, Gaming;Comunidad latina de Ark Survival Evolved. Únete a nuestros servidores privados y disfruta de este gran juego.;Somos una comunidad latina con aficiones extremas a los juegos de supervivencia, sobre todo de este gran juego llamado Ark Survival Evolved. Recuerda leer la información y las reglas de nuestros servidores privados antes de iniciarte en tu aventura.
Si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en pedirla, siempre estaremos para ti.;https://discord.gg/invite/osharygames;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1014982457960955904/a_be13342a004d51f4e32afcc785a8337c.jpg?size=256;3278;September 1st, 2022;Spanish;
831061810865766420;McSevy's: Le Official SevyPlays Surbur;Content Creator, General Chatting, Fandom, Entertainment, Gaming;The official community server for the Genshin Impact Content Creator Sevy_Plays. Join to meet some wonderful people.;As stated in the description of the server, this server is for SevyPlay's community. Sevy is a Genshin Impact content creator who puts of character guides. Not only does she have these amazing guides, she has this community that is helpful and inclusive. We have pronoun and game roles. For gaming channels we have a Genshin Impact category plus general gaming channels, including Tower of Fantasy, Minecraft, and Pokemon.;https://discord.gg/invite/mcsevy-s-le-official-sevyplays-surbur-831061810865766420;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/831061810865766420/33a3a8af3b5927dc4a105830b66c0b08.jpg?size=256;2465;April 12th, 2021;English;
663473888801587212;KOFEVARKA - SCP:SL;Art, General Chatting, Content Creator, Gaming;Офіційний локалізований сервер SCP: SL в Україні.;Офіційний дискорд сервер офіційно локалізованого сервера України у грі SCP: SL. Тут можна ознайомитися з перекладом всіх FAQ гри, а також постів у каналах новин. Тут можна поставити питання щодо гри, а також звернутися до технічної підтримки щодо проблем SCP: SL. У нас дружна, сплачена та весела спільнота, яка вам обов'язково сподобається! До зустрічі на серверах!;https://discord.gg/invite/kofevarka;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/663473888801587212/a_70afdc560d06ebdd3a3c7ddba7fb1415.jpg?size=256;2464;January 5th, 2020;Ukrainian;
1018629618573512714;@AI/CC;Creative Arts, Comics & Cartoons, Anime & Manga, Art;AI/CC Creative Community's Mission is to advance the field of AI Generative Creative Arts.;The AI/CC Creative Community, Aquarius Division, aims to advance the field of artificial intelligence and computing by fostering collaboration and innovation. We aim to bring together experts in these fields to share knowledge, ideas, and insights and to drive progress through research, development, and experimentation.
Our ultimate goal is to use the power of AI and computing to improve the world and solve some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. We believe that by working together and harnessing the latest technologies, we can make significant strides toward achieving this goal.
As members of the Aquarius Division, we are dedicated to advancing state of the art in AI and computing and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We are committed to collaboration, openness, and excellence, and we believe that we can achieve great things by working together.
Join us in our mission to advance the field of AI and computing and to make the world a better place. Together, we can make a real difference. Long live Aquarius Division!;https://discord.gg/invite/aicc;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1018629618573512714/4af0cb158fee74a078dfc56ad2586bc5.jpg?size=256;2459;September 11th, 2022;English;
707660265218375731;QMUL;Education;The Discord server for students, alumni, guests, and affiliates of Queen Mary, University of London.;Server dedicated for Queen Mary, University of London.
The server welcomes both current and prospective students, as well as alumni and guests. Many students join and have their queries answered, without having to contact the university directly in the first instance.
Feel free to join, meet new people and make new friends!;https://discord.gg/invite/qmul-707660265218375731;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/707660265218375731/a_d11033a57105057e7c449f71ba4bb34e.jpg?size=256;2456;May 6th, 2020;English;
812119652960436245;Space Nerds;Studying & Teaching, Programming, Collaboration, Education, Science & Tech;Space Nerds is a general space community where you can come and talk about anything space, science or technology related;Hello and welcome to Space Nerds!
Space Nerds is a general space community where you can come and talk about anything space, science, or technology related! If you're interested in anything science related and want to join a fun community and talk to others about nearly anything, this is the server for you.
We are an open community and have channels to talk about nearly anything science and technology related, and also basic channels if you want to talk about other topics that interest you.
We also try to host giveaways, movie nights, and game nights. Hope to see you here!;https://discord.gg/invite/space-nerds-812119652960436245;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/812119652960436245/a_064adfef991008b82fc22dae4e852e5e.jpg?size=256;2453;February 19th, 2021;English;
954561454143602789;DamnSquad;Podcasts, Collaboration, General Chatting, Entertainment, Gaming;We're a Community of Gamers & Content Creators who Share Ideas & Knowledge in Hopes to Support & Push Forward Creativity;This is the place you will feel welcome with no judgement. A place of respect and positivity, one that promotes and supports growth. Positivity over negativity. Genuine people in our community that share a passion for gaming and others. There hasn't been a better team that I've been a part of and I've coached for over 15 years as a career.;https://discord.gg/invite/damnsquad-954561454143602789;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/954561454143602789/14a1b379ae110b88bc857b1818c3114a.jpg?size=256;2442;March 19th, 2022;English;
510882154369122324;Pinks Place;Anime & Manga, General Chatting;A place for Anime Enjoyers, Meme Connoisseurs and Pinks Community;Oh Hey there! I am PinkVaporGaming but you may call me Noel or Pink Welcome to my Cozy Meme Dumpster fire of a Community! Everyone can find themselves Comfortable spot at the Dumpster Fire, This is a place to Be yourself and have a Belly Laugh.
I am very passionate about creating a safe place for a community to grow and enjoy themselves. If that place to escape, confide, share or just lurk so be it! Growing up I didn’t have a community to fall back on comfortably. That’s why I am very passionate about being a place for Humans of all kind to co exist!
;https://discord.gg/invite/pinks-place-510882154369122324;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/510882154369122324/048121d63cc77adaaca602c98a545685.jpg?size=256;2441;November 10th, 2018;English;
838739703258939422;فضاء الروايات;Comics & Cartoons, Anime & Manga, Roleplay, Books, Entertainment;نحن مجموعة من المترجمين , قررنا انشاء موقع لرفع فيه أعمالنا المترجمة لروايات باللغة العربية كمحاولة لاثراء هذا المجال.;السيرفر يخص موقع فضاء الروايات
تتم مناقشةال فصول المختلفة من رواياتك المفضلة و تلقي إشعارات فور صدور أي فصل على الموقع.
أي أخبار جديدة حول الموقع او بدأ فعاليات سيتم نشرها على هذا السيرفر لذا تأكد من البقاء مطلع على كل ماهو جديد دون تضييع المهم.
نحن نرحب بالجميع وتأكدوا من عدم أخذ كل الأمور بجدية والمزاح مع بعضكم.;https://discord.gg/invite/fd-lrwyt-838739703258939422;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/838739703258939422/a_55d8dfc61aa63e78f398eaff326fc713.jpg?size=256;2440;May 3rd, 2021;English;
893228097120403456;HeliumDeploy;Investing, Cryptocurrency, Science & Tech;The place for passionate Crypto & Mining deployers.;HeliumDeploy is the place to be, discuss new crypto projects, talk about prices and ROI, discover new friends and a friendly community. Get the best deals on hard to find crypto mining hardware. Don't wait any longer! With the fastest shipping around Canada and USA, you will be mining in no time! ;https://discord.gg/invite/heliumdeploy-893228097120403456;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/893228097120403456/a8402db828d858dc52fa8ab60aaae8f9.jpg?size=256;2437;September 30th, 2021;English;
882977031472676884;懶貓會館 Luny's Aquarium;Entertainment, Fandom, General Chatting, Esports, Anime & Manga, Gaming;這是一個由台灣Vtuber直播主建立的伺服器,你在這裡可以找到遊戲好朋朋&動漫愛好者! This is a server built for anime and game lovers! The owner is a Vtuber ~;;https://discord.gg/invite/lan-mao-hui-guan-luny-s-aquarium-882977031472676884;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/882977031472676884/2c6df172610d12b26349da5824a4c098.jpg?size=256;2434;September 2nd, 2021;Chinese;
915658545385582653;BLOCKTEAM;Creative Arts, Memes, Entertainment, General Chatting, Content Creator, Gaming;Servidor da comunidade Blockteam, com vários bate-papos e calls para você se divertir.;Nesse servidor, somos todos amigos, aproveitamos a maior parte do tempo para conversar e dá ótimas risadas, também somos ótimos conselheiros e podemos dar incríveis dicas de desenhos e artes para ajudar vocês a cresceram ainda mais, mas o que nos torna tão especial é que todos somos felizes.
✦══⊹⊱ Características ⊰⊹══✦
Calls legais para conversarmos
Vários bate-papos de texto
Diversidade de conteúdo
Cultura gamer
Criadores de conteúdo
Comunidade amiga
Suporte técnico
Boa administração
Ótima organização
Eventos esplêndidos
E muito mais!!;https://discord.gg/invite/blockteam-915658545385582653;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/915658545385582653/a_2e7aa5568fbec8117eb8b66fb2410cd4.jpg?size=256;2432;December 1st, 2021;Portuguese;
729798141284712562;@1909 BERLINFLEX #ATATURKCU;General Chatting, Customer Support, Movies & TV, Business, Emoji, Other;ATATTV + owo + youtube + partner + boost;berlinflex + atat
:dot:1. Discord'un Topluluk kurallarına uyun! (https://discord.com/terms)
:dot:2. Flood, Spam veya Kanalları kirletmeye yönelik eylemler sergilemek,
:dot:3. İlgili odanın konusu dışına çıkmak,
:dot:4. Sohbet kanallarını amacı dışında kullanmak,
:dot:5. Odalardaki konuyu bölmeye yönelik eylemler sergilemek,
:dot:6. Kullanıcı profilinde uygunsuz içerikler barındırmak,
:dot:7. Kişisel, kurumsal veya özel bilgiler paylaşmak,
:dot:8. Nefret söylemi, taciz veya istismarda bulunmak,
:dot:9. Günümüz siyasetini ele alan unsurlar sergilemek,
:dot:10. Kara mizaha yönelik içerikler paylaşmak,
:dot:11. Fikir özgürlüğünü yaygara çıkartarak engellemeye çalışmak,
:dot:12. Yönetim ekibine karşı gelecek şekilde eylemler sergilemek,
:dot:13. Din, dil, ırk veya cinsiyet ayrımı yapmak,
:dot:14. Yöneticileri rahatsız etmeye yönelik eylemler sergilemek,
:dot:15. Tehdit edici, zarar verici veya tehlikeye atıcı unsurlar sergilemek,
:dot:16. Uygunsuz veya müstehcen içerikli paylaşımlar yapmak,
:dot:17. Terörizm veya kitlesel şiddet içeren içerikler sergilemek veya
:dot:18. Her türlü satış için sadece ・item-satış onun dışında gelen satışlar;https://discord.gg/invite/1909-berlinflex-ataturkcu-729798141284712562;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/729798141284712562/a_cf79c4208fedc83f4dd6f8f49e785a69.jpg?size=256;2425;July 6th, 2020;German;
951234826990665758;Crews of RDO;Esports, Gaming;#1 Fastest growing Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Crew server catering to Playstation, Xbox one, Xbox Series X, PC.;Xbox, Playstation, PC -- We are the fastest emerging all-inclusive server that welcomes prospective and established crewmembers in Red Dead Online with over 110 crews and 2000 members!
Are you a crew leader or member and want to grow your crew? All verified crews of 7+ or members within the server receive crew roles, emojis, private channels, and a verified alert system for prospective crewmembers.
Are you not in a crew but looking to find a crew? There are over 110 crews advertising on this platform which you can reach within a click of a button!
-Our bots are the best in class!
- Choose your crew affiliation or have your crew added, with your respective crew logo, private crew channels, and role!
- Find out where Nazar is.
- Know when the daily challenges change and an easy-to-read picture.
- Be alerted 10 minutes before every free roam event!
- Know when Rockstar updates or patches the game.
- Know what the daily challenges are.
- A great way to dive in and interact with crews you would traditionally not, or grow your own crew!
We wanted to give a warm welcome to successful Red Dead Crews, harbor a platform for upcoming crews to thrive, and let prospective crew members find their best fit in a totally unbiased setting!
;https://discord.gg/invite/crews-of-rdo-951234826990665758;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/951234826990665758/a_db73cf5775a5b6d8718f45197342da60.jpg?size=256;2422;March 9th, 2022;English;
367360863968952320;Duel Links Team Wars;Anime & Manga, General Chatting, Entertainment, Content Creator, Gaming;If you are interested in the highest-level of competitive team-based Yu-Gi-Oh!, this is the place to join and keep up!;Team Wars is the source for top tier, team-based Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links game play. From live matches to analysis streams to award shows, there is a variety of content available, all provided by passionate members of the Duel Links community.
Launched in October 2017, Team Wars was the first competitive, team-based league created and organized by the Duel Links community. With 32 teams consisting of the best players from around the world and thousands of dollars on the line every season, Team Wars is widely known as one of the most competitive team-based leagues in the entire community.;https://discord.gg/invite/duel-links-team-wars-367360863968952320;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/367360863968952320/a_1fd2be58a2660a473f3b1e487aa0eb57.jpg?size=256;2403;October 10th, 2017;English;
599881938710429696;Cristi's Fanbase;Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator;Welcome to CristiGeography's discord server! Talk about future video ideas, participate in events or anything you like!;In this server you can find a wholesome community, one that isn't that big but is welcoming. This server has monthly giveaways, geography events, daily facts, questions and it's a perfect way to meet new people!
Active members can get a reward. They get access to a special chat and giveaways, those only being active for our active members :);https://discord.gg/invite/cristi123;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/599881938710429696/a_81de0f932936044d41d310d86396dbe2.jpg?size=256;2402;July 14th, 2019;English;
858816169871147029;VELKÉ OTAKU SRAZY;Relationships & Identity, Gaming, Anime & Manga, Events, Fandom, Entertainment;Jsme organizace pořádající srazy pro všechny fanoušky japonské kultury. První Velký Otaku Sraz vznikl v září roku 2014.;Velké Otaku Srazy pořádáme již od roku 2014 pro všechny fanoušky Anime, Mangy a Cosplaye. Ale i pro nadšence videoher, Genshin Impactu, Japonské kultury, atd..
Potkat nás můžete v Praze, Brně, Hradci Králové, ale i v dalších městech kam se chystáme přicestovat!
Jsme rádi za každého nového nadšence, kterého můžeme přijmout do naší komunity.;https://discord.gg/invite/velke-otaku-srazy-858816169871147029;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/858816169871147029/d8f1c765f6bf1c21e695e972cdbb1b42.jpg?size=256;2398;June 27th, 2021;Czech;
335560186930659328;MC Server Soft;Gaming, Wiki & Guide, Science & Tech, Programming, Customer Support;The oldest maintained Minecraft Server Wrapper for Windows.;MC Server Soft is a server wrapper which is a program that doesn't change anything about the Minecraft server itself. It is an UI built on top of the server console, with the purpose of adding additional functionality and ease of management for the server owner. Join us, thousand others have done so before and it's free to use too!;https://discord.gg/invite/mc-server-soft-335560186930659328;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/335560186930659328/062a273301ccb8c1c28d65e35bc04bc6.jpg?size=256;2398;July 14th, 2017;English;
1055628874064613376;Taii | social • gaming • hangout • banner • pfp • positive;Music, General Chatting, Gaming, Movies & TV, Events, Entertainment;This is a server for finding icons/pfps, events, making new friends and a place to hang out and meet new people!;Taii server contains: gaming, events, making new friends and more!! Chat with a bunch of people daily and play games with them. Share your interests, music, memes, games, movies and more! We are family friendly and we are looking to expand! We'd be happy to have you if you would like to come in and join our growing community. <3
I hope you enjoy my server!!;https://discord.gg/invite/taii-pfp-icon-banner-social-gaming-hangout-1055628874064613376;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1055628874064613376/a_0963332d887e48a96b683dcab369a700.jpg?size=256;2398;December 22nd, 2022;English;
943246579178025040; ;Music, Events, Roleplay, Creative Arts, Gaming;Wild West;This server was created for roblox players. We offer you many events: for example, movie night and karaoke! There are aswell giveaways for bloxburg cash and robux! So feel free to join them. You can find new friends from Poland or other countries, as we create an international community.;https://discord.gg/invite/zuzik0505;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/943246579178025040/3609427a3c533a72ff906cbfa24fd151.jpg?size=256;2393;February 15th, 2022;Polish;
491851861171765250;NLS Official Place for Everyone;Gaming, Game Developer;Official public server for the C&C Generals Zero Hour modding group: No Life Studios;This is the official public server for No Life Studios.
We are a C&C Generals Zero Hour modding group.
Here you can find news and updates about your favorite NLS ZH mods, gain access to early alpha versions before they are uploaded to ModDB, talk with the mod devs, rant to the mod devs, mingle with other NLS fans, and play games, probably...;https://discord.gg/invite/nls-official-place-for-everyone-491851861171765250;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/491851861171765250/093ea877c7588feef29c6562cbde6f8f.jpg?size=256;2384;September 19th, 2018;English;
774014539451990036;FoTopia;Writing, Gaming, Emoji, Anime & Manga, General Chatting;Deine Chill-Community mit einem ganzen PFP-Bereich für dein Discord-Profil & über 500 coole Emojis sowie Sticker.;Da wir noch nicht so viele sind würden wir uns Riesig über jeden einzelnen von euch freuen!
Schaut einfach mal rein.
In den Letzen 30 Tagen hat unsere nette Community über 150k Nachrichten erreicht!
Zudem gibt es auch viele Nitro Giveaways sowie auch Viele Discord Bots mit spielen!
ps: Es gibt auch coole Booster Vorteile :)
;https://discord.gg/invite/fotopia;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/774014539451990036/a_e29876e64f7a795d60bd53cee1fd357b.jpg?size=256;2383;November 5th, 2020;German;
893012930830950460; Winslow Illegals;Entertainment, Gaming;Официальный дискорд нелегальных организаций Arizona-RolePlay Winslow;На данном сервере можно общаться, узнавать новости нелегалов и сервера, а так-же оперативно связаться с администрацией/лидерами. На сервере часто проходят розыгрыши личных ролей и всего остального. Каждый день игрок может узнавать новости о интересующей его структуре (мафия/гетто) в канале #новости.;https://discord.gg/invite/winslow-illegals-893012930830950460;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/893012930830950460/86d4574b82fbcba610382efec0e9c9e5.jpg?size=256;2378;September 30th, 2021;Russian;
1082357869355204748;[HALLOWEEN ] | GAMES Clan;Gaming;[GAMES] Clan is a top clan with over 16+ NIGHTMARE players in Roblox Bedwars, and we have a max upgraded 'in game clan'!;In GAMES CLAN, we love to meet new members who are active and confident. Here you can socialise with other pro players and make friends. You can even participate in regular clan wars (If in IGC), giveaways and more events. We at Games Clan are friendly to new people and are happy to help those who are trying to make a ticket;https://discord.gg/invite/gamesclan;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1082357869355204748/a_5a3cc7ec142a97131daffd53d2d6c54f.jpg?size=256;2374;March 6th, 2023;English;
747524776314011668;GamerPaladset;Gaming, Esports, Events, LFG;Visionen her på discordserveren er, at have det sjovt og spille en masse spil, være social og få nye gaming buddies.;GamerPaladset er en stor dansk discordserver, med masser af aktivitet og forskellige events/begivenheder bliver afholdt dagligt.
Ca hver 14/21 dag vil der blive givet gaming udstyr eller gavekort til forskellige spiludbydere ud, til de 3 der har samlet flest point via events gennem tidsperioden.
Vi er et modent og engageret team der styrer serveren, hvor vi forsøger at gøre plads til alle.
Vi slår meget hårdt ned på dårlig sprogbrug og mennesker med dårlige intentioner.;https://discord.gg/invite/gamerpaladset-747524776314011668;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/747524776314011668/a_52e8f0c0337190b628b94783bc74830b.jpg?size=256;2364;August 24th, 2020;Danish;
807242835500990474;Рат;Gaming, Wiki & Guide, Memes;Самый активный СНГ сервер по Европе Универсалис 4;Маленький сервер который развивает ЕУ, как игру для мульплеера, я Мех регулярно(наверное) делаю видосики и помогаю новичкам(часто), если что не стесняйтесь меня пинговать и спрашивать вопросы. Очень хочу что б ЕУ была главной игрой парадоксов, но хои 4 слишком сильно пока, так что еще много работы которой нужно сделать.;https://discord.gg/invite/rat-807242835500990474;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/807242835500990474/a_0c29966f5c1bd20186df430d78916b29.jpg?size=256;2360;February 5th, 2021;English;
843820964155228170;Mangaread;Entertainment, General Chatting, Gaming, Comics & Cartoons, Anime & Manga;Come join our members at what we do best! Read tons of manga ranging from all categories while making friends.;We hope for you to join us in reading manga and enjoying anime along with hundred of other weebs. Not only is anime and manga our interests, we also populate in gaming, memes and just general chatting. Come join us for a place to fit in among others and make friends while your are at it.;https://discord.gg/invite/mangaread-843820964155228170;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/843820964155228170/3a88372a36beb88b1053c94b4c4296b4.jpg?size=256;2349;May 17th, 2021;English;
1131230303541788676;Palia;Art, Wiki & Guide, LFG, Entertainment, Console, Gaming;Größter deutscher Palia Community Server auf Discord! Hier kann miteinander gezockt & geplaudert werden!;Treten Sie ein in die aufregende Welt von Palia, dem fesselnden Spiel, das die Herzen von Spielern auf der ganzen Welt erobert. Unser Discord-Server ist der ideale Ort für alle Palia-Enthusiasten, die sich über das Spiel informieren, Erfahrungen teilen und sich mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen möchten.
Was erwartet dich auf unserem Server?
Aktuelle Informationen: Bleiben Sie stets auf dem neuesten Stand, was Palia angeht. Wir teilen Informationen zu Updates, Entwicklungsfortschritten und anderen aufregenden Neuigkeiten direkt von den Entwicklern.
Gemeinschaft: Schließen Sie sich einer wachsenden Gemeinschaft von Spielern an, die ihre Liebe zu Palia teilen. Finden Sie neue Freunde, Teammitglieder und Gleichgesinnte, um zusammen Abenteuer zu erleben.
Spielerhilfe: Brauchen Sie Tipps, Tricks oder Unterstützung im Spiel? Unsere erfahrenen Spieler sind immer bereit, ihr Wissen zu teilen und Ihnen bei Fragen oder Problemen zu helfen.
Veranstaltungen und Wettbewerbe: Nehmen Sie an spannenden Veranstaltungen und Wettbewerben teil, um tolle Preise zu gewinnen und Ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen.
️ Medien und Kreationen: Teilen Sie Ihre Palia-Fanart, Videos, Geschichten und andere kreative Werke mit der Community. Wir lieben es, die Talente unserer Mitglieder zu bewundern!
Diskussionen und Spekulationen: Tauchen Sie in tiefgehende Diskussionen über Spielmechaniken, Lore und Zukunftsvisionen von Palia ein. Spekulieren Sie gemeinsam über kommende Inhalte und Updates.
Eine freundliche Atmosphäre: Unser Server legt großen Wert auf ein respektvolles und freundliches Umfeld. Wir heißen Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen herzlich willkommen.
Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Teil dieses aufstrebenden Palia-Abenteuers zu sein! Tritt unserem Discord bei und beginne deine Reise noch heute. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Palia-Profi oder ein Neuling in dieser aufregenden Welt sind, hier finden Sie eine Gemeinschaft, die Ihre Begeisterung teilt und unterstützt.
Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser epischen Reise und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Wunder von Palia erkunden!
Offizielle Website:
https://vnder.blog/palia-discord-server-deutsch/;https://discord.gg/invite/palia-deutsch;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1131230303541788676/a_c1870dd6aff1d3e29a254fc85ad14bfc.jpg?size=256;2349;July 19th, 2023;German;
553348453271339018;Board Kings Community;Gaming, Mobile;Community server for the mobile game Board Kings;;https://discord.gg/invite/r-boardkings-553348453271339018;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/553348453271339018/c97f22c7acfde1eedd5d4baaed7fe5cd;2343;;;
308728707802071040;AllFunNGamez - The Fun House;Console, Gaming, Art, Anime & Manga, Content Creator;We enjoy Don't Starve Together, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, 7 Days to Die, Terraria and more! So Come join us!;We are a community of over 2000 people who are always getting together to play new games!
Playing lots of Survival and Variety of games everyday that include Minecraft , Don't Starve Together , Terraria , 7 Days To Die, Valheim , Raft & much much more!
Always having fun together in voice chat and always talking up a storm in general chat.
Just a fun overall community to come hang out and play with especially if you are looking to no longer play solo in a game.
Come join up!;https://discord.gg/invite/allfun;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/308728707802071040/a_de2c18e4c152e7dafcb6913ba0eaff69.jpg?size=256;2339;May 1st, 2017;English;
501787516773597205;⭐NAVE GUSNIGMA⭐;Anime & Manga, Memes, Books, Gaming, Movies & TV, General Chatting;✨ Entre para a tripulação, faça amizades e tome um pouco de leite azul ✨;Ahoy, é o Gus que tá escrevendo isso, o Capitão da Nave, entra ae e bora conversar, tem vários chats pra você compartilhar diversas coisas legais, tem até um que é tipo um diário, super bacana, tem tipo uns 2 anos meus registrados lá, criei o server em 2018 e fiz amizades incríveis, meus melhores amigos da vida conheci aqui, fazemos várias calls engraçadas, temos um papo cabeça saudável B) Se você estiver procurando um relacionamento, tem uma galera aí hein, acontece com frequência :o Da pra ir ganhando vários cargos e ir subindo de level, pelo XP da Loritta, tem outros bots de diversão, tipo Gartic, é complicado ficar só escrevendo, na verdade to impressionado por você ainda estar lendo isso, é um server simples com pessoas maravilhosas, entra logo e vem conversar com nós, não precisa ter vergonha ♥;https://discord.gg/invite/nave-gusnigma-501787516773597205;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/501787516773597205/a_8b93578e1579842ccde3dcfaa2fd84da.jpg?size=256;2337;October 16th, 2018;Portuguese;
1081956448109596682;Mimosa ;News & Current Events, Events, General Chatting, Collaboration, Anime & Manga;Découvre notre univers multianimé manga, dédié au Japon, une communauté animée et conviviale pour partager ta passion !;Mimosa est un serveur francophone sur l'univers multianimé manga dédié au japon, avec une communauté accueillante et conviviale. Nous avons un staff accueillant et compétant ils seront toujours à votre écoute ! Nous proposons de nombreux salons pour vous divertir et rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, nous avons un système de niveau qui vous donnera des rôles évolutifs au fur et à mesure de votre activité sur le serveur. Le serveur organise souvent des giveaways et des drops pour profiter nos membres. Il y a plus de 450 emojis présent sur le serveur tu es intéressé(e) ? Rejoins nous dès maintenant sur notre serveur discord !;https://discord.gg/invite/mimosa;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1081956448109596682/a_2369a3be583119de67f8ebcf3fd901ae.jpg?size=256;2332;March 5th, 2023;French;
779103377874747443; Ꮲꮻꮶꭼ́Ꮮꭺɴꭰ;Roleplay, Events, Gaming, Entertainment, Console;Ce serveur a pour but de réunir des passionnés de l'univers Pokémon. Ici tu pourras discuter et partager tes expériences;PokéLand est une communauté chaleureuse. nous avons à disposition des salons dans lesquels discuter pour toutes les versions pokémon. un staff toujours proche de vous pour vous aider au maximum et même des mini-jeux Pokémon ou autres directement sur le serveur. Idéal pour un bon moment entre deux parties.
Si vous n'avez pas encore adhéré et êtes encore hésitant... sachez que vous êtes libre de partir si vous ne trouvez pas votre bonheur chez nous !
Bienvenue à PokéLand !!;https://discord.gg/invite/tlvtlen-779103377874747443;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/779103377874747443/a_8e90564bcb20ac0236ebc935f2fa94ec.jpg?size=256;2331;November 19th, 2020;French;
785565079134666793;izanami;LFG, General Chatting, Memes, Gaming, Anime & Manga;Уникальный и уютный сервер, в котором можно найти себе друзей, душевно провести время в прекрасной атмосфере.;;https://discord.gg/invite/izanami;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/785565079134666793/a_10c73c844e4ce37ff623d31123d0ebf0.jpg?size=256;2329;December 7th, 2020;Russian;
873211952371990538;T H E B O T C A V E;Entertainment, Bots, Travel & Food, Content Creator, Cryptocurrency, Science & Tech;Learn how to use AI, bots and automation to make money online and set yourself free to travel the world.;The Botcave is a subscription based community of 2000+ highly motivated individuals from around world. We're committed to using AI, bots and automation to generate passive income, create location independence and escape the ordinary. Learn all the tools of the trade to make money online with crypto and forex trading bots, chat bots, eCommerce, YouTube Automation and more.;https://discord.gg/invite/t-h-e-b-o-t-c-a-v-e-873211952371990538;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/873211952371990538/a8eb0434011b3d976e51594e3a22c0f9.jpg?size=256;2326;August 6th, 2021;English;
952570101784281139;1sT - Services | HQ;Programming, Entertainment, Anime & Manga, Bots, General Chatting;Coding and bot development enthusiasts unite! Join our Discord server to learn, share, and create together. Join and hav;Coding and bot development enthusiasts unite! Join our Discord server to learn, share, and create together.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ;https://discord.gg/invite/1st-dev-services-952570101784281139;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/952570101784281139/a6b97d8befcb17d5b9ab13ce38924ec4.jpg?size=256;2322;March 13th, 2022;English;
359048897844215820;UpBeat Radio;Entertainment, Writing, Music, News & Current Events, Gaming;UpBeat Radio is a community powered online radio, providing 24/7 ad-free radio entertainment, daily news articles & more;Register & receive Discord verification at upbeatradio.net
UpBeat is a 24/7 ad free radio station. You can tune into us and check out our website at https://upbeatradio.net
As well as being a free service to the public, we're also very open minded when it comes to hiring new members of staff. We pride ourselves on giving people of all ages and interests to try their hand at live broadcasting. Some do it for fun, some do it to experience something new, and some do it because they hope to be professional presenters in the future.
For those that are more interested in journalism, we also have a content department that keeps UpBeat up-to-date with the latest news!
UpBeat is the first online radio station to run with a partnership system. A system where owners of other websites can use UpBeat as entertainment for their users.
Ever since we introduced this format, lot's of other online radios have been created, but UpBeat remains to be at the top thanks to all of you!;https://discord.gg/invite/upbeat;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/359048897844215820/4b6cba70db742a41d068361388d42794.jpg?size=256;2317;September 17th, 2017;English;
812762657056751636;Le P'tit Serveur;Entertainment, Gaming;Le P'tit Murder est une communauté sur le jeu Garry's Mod, rejoins-nous!;Le P'tit Murder est une communauté sur le jeu Garry's Mod qui tourne autour de plusieurs mode de jeu comme Murder et Deathrun !
Ici, tu pourras te faire des amis, discuter, découvrir des choses exceptionnelles et bien plus encore !
Alors tu attends quoi pour nous rejoindre et découvrir l'aventure P'tit Murder ?!;https://discord.gg/invite/leptitserveur;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/812762657056751636/a_a107ce020cb0f5620a39014a6c5a610b.jpg?size=256;2309;February 20th, 2021;French;
741041235971801228;r/MINI;Collaboration, Education, Crafts, DIY, & Making, Subreddit, Entertainment;We are based on a subreddit dedicated to both classic, and BMW/newer Minis! There's a few rules to get through, for ever;;https://discord.gg/invite/rmini;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/741041235971801228/a_8a64ad06d5f9c70e61900c7a0b1956af.jpg?size=256;2308;August 6th, 2020;English;
896915653410324521;AllayRival;Collaboration, Memes, Mobile, Entertainment, Gaming;One of the best Survival and Lifesteal servers in minecraft History!;Get ready for a wild ride, because AllayRival Minecraft Server is here to shake things up!
Our server is a 1.19+ version and features both SMP (Survival Multiplayer) and PVP (Player versus Player) gamemodes that are sure to provide you with endless hours of entertainment.
In SMP, you can build, explore and create with your friends, free from the worries of pesky PvP players. But if you're feeling brave and want to put your skills to the test, hop into our PVP gamemode and show the world what you're made of! With friendly competition and an active player base, you're guaranteed to have a blast.
We promise you won't be bored, because let's face it, mining the same blocks over and over again can get pretty boring. So why not join AllayRival Minecraft Server and add some excitement to your life? With our hilarious community and endless possibilities, you're sure to have a good time.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your pickaxe, gather your friends, and join us for some seriously fun Minecraft adventures!
Server store: store.allayrival.net
Server ip: play.allayrival.net
Bedrock ip: bedrock.allayrival.net
Bedrock port: 19132;https://discord.gg/invite/allayrival-896915653410324521;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/896915653410324521/082517e4e1e307cc3cf8a80300e5bf4b.jpg?size=256;2305;October 11th, 2021;English;
712323497380020314;bossbadi's server;Memes, Entertainment, Science & Tech, Bots, Programming, Gaming;This is a server where technology enthusiasts, programmers, advertisers, and gamers (namely Geometry Dashers) interact.; , , , ( ) .
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• . 100+ .;https://discord.gg/invite/bossbadi-s-server-712323497380020314;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/712323497380020314/a_50cb2935b862597e9c0835bb243c70ab.jpg?size=256;2298;May 19th, 2020;English;
703838301886349312;QuickLand Network;Memes, Sports, Fandom, Events, Gaming;Servidor de minecraft, con una comunidad amigable que busca mas gente. IP: QuickLand.net;Somos una comunidad bastante diversa, jamás te sentirás incómodo, en ella podrás compartir memes, videos divertidos y muchas cosas más, aparte de jugar en nuestro servidor de minecraft, siempre intentamos ser lo más claro posible en temas de reglas y lineamentos de la comunidad para no generar conflictos entre nosotros mismo y no arruinar nuestro ambiente amigable.;https://discord.gg/invite/quickland-network-703838301886349312;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/703838301886349312/a_29d6435b3c9dfd316b680db0ac1b2c01.jpg?size=256;2296;April 26th, 2020;Spanish;
1103816257448464535; | Inside Designs;Entertainment, General Chatting, Bots, Creative Arts, Art, Other;Somos um servidor com o intuito de melhorar imenso os designs em Portugal!Inside Designs, Inside the Designs"

Fall Guys BRASIL
Servidor brasileiro 100% focado em Fall Guys! Nossa comunidade é receptiva com qualquer membro, venha conhecer!

Mansão dos Mil Dados
Uma Mansão mística, mágica e aleatória que abriga uma lunática comunidade de RPG de Mesa.

Terraria Brasil – O começo da Jornada
Um servidor de terraria e variedades, temos vários chats de vários temas, dicas, vídeos, entre outros, venha descobrir!
![[REWORK]「 」Star Piece™「 」](https://discord-servers.site/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/REWORK「-」Star-Piece™「-」.jpg)
[REWORK]「 」Star Piece™「 」
Star Piece é um servidor de RP inspirado na obra de Eiichiro Oda "One Piece".

Biblioteca da Lulu | Concursos
Maior servidor de estudos do Brasil Junte-se a milhares de estudantes em busca de seus sonhos!

Super Edu
Aqui você aprende tudo sobre LiveStream - Obs, Streamer Bot, Twitch, Youtube e Discord. Muito conteúdo grátis para você.

O maior Escritório Profissional de Bitcoin e Crypto Trading da língua portuguesa, ao vivo, 12 horas por dia.

// W0′ Studio \
Esse é um servidor focado em desenvolvimento de jogos, sendo principalmente direcionado ao Roblox Studio.

Assuntos gerais, com eventos de animes, desenhos, músicas, memes, além de ser um centro de conversas de pessoas legais.

Portugal Anime Community
Comunidade de anime de Portugal no Discord! Diverte-te, socializa e faz amigos. Gostas de anime? Junta-te a nós!

HAVIC HOST – Datacenter no Brasil
Tenha Hoje mesmo a Hospedagem de seu Servidor de Games, Com preço Baixo e com a mais Alta Qualidade!!

Torre do Mago
Somos um servidor de RPG de mesa, com intuito de promover mesas e compartilhar o hobby com a comunidade RPGistica.

Celestial Pixelmon
Comunidade do servidor Celestial Pixelmon, criado em 11/2022 com foco no entretenimento, respeito e amizade.

VetzDevs é um servidor onde você pode pedir ajuda e suporte sobre robôs de diversas linguagens,

Discord do canal HeadshotRJ no Youtube e Twitch. A maior comunidade do jogo Dauntless no Brasil.

Servidor da comunidade Blockteam, com vários bate-papos e calls para você se divertir.

A Darkside Rp é um servidor de roleplay sendo a grande pioneira de conteúdos exclusivamente portugueses.