I am ***Avrae***, a Discord bot designed to help you and your friends play D&D online.
# **Advanced Dice Roller**
With a custom dice parser, Avrae is one of the most advanced dice rollers on Discord, capable of supporting every type of roll needed to play D&D.
# **Character Sheet Integration**
Avrae can read character sheets from D&D Beyond, Dicecloud, or a Google Sheet, automatically generating macros to use actions, ability checks, and saving throws. From there, it’s just one command to roll all of your attacks, saves, and damages!
# **Initiative Tracking**
The initiative tracker is a fast way to track combat in a text channel. It supports automatic combatant sorting, HP, AC, resistance, and status effect tracking, and integration with the character sheet manager and 5e content to further streamline combat.
# **Moddability**
Have a feature in mind that isn’t already in Avrae? Avrae provides a fully-featured modding API to write your own commands, and a place to share them with the community!