Digital Forensics

This is a server for DFIR Professionals by DFIR Professionals. Law Enforcement, Private Sector, & Students, all welcome!

Digital Forensics

Created: March 26, 2018

Members: 12237

Join Discord Server

Started in March 2018, the Digital Forensics Discord Server has grown from 3 members to over 10,000. This is a server that emphasizes professional communication and collaboration amongst its members. It’s not a place for excessive meme-posting. The members of this server share experiences with cases they’re working to help solve problems they have to move the ball forward on cases they’re working. There is no better place to immerse yourself if you’re looking for other Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) examiners to collaborate with, learn from, or network with.

Here’s a beginner’s guide to the Digital Forensics Discord Server: