Endel Bubble

Your source for science-backed wellness and connection to the Endel app team and users.

Endel Bubble

Created: October 13, 2021

Members: 6250

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The community name, Endel Bubble, is a reference to Endel sound (https://endel.io) as your protective bubble and social circles that nowadays spark more and more global shifts.

Join Endel Bubble today for:

• Tips on how to focus, rest, and sleep better
Experts and community share their coping / wellness techniques and strategies.

• AMA and brainstorms with the Endel team
Contribute to creating the Endel app and meet people behind the scenes of your beloved features, sounds, and bugs!

• Exclusive sneak peeks and access to Endel betas
Our new soundscapes and features come community-tested and approved. Be the first to try the next Big Thing!

• Digital gifts
The trend of the season. Don’t miss the chance to brag about a piece of contemporary art on your desktop or a bedroom wall!

• Occasional swag drops
Always free, never cheap. A guaranteed merch item for newcomers!

• Your direct line with Endel
Ask us anything: we love to chat and learn more about your use cases, feature requests, and opportunities for Endel and the community!