
Cybersecurity e-learning in a free, legal and fun way.


Created: April 16, 2020

Members: 14953

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This server is the official communication hub of the Root-Me community. Our platform helps promoting cybersecurity by giving access to anyone to totally free resources for learning new skills in this huge field.

We have hundreds of cybersecurity online challenges and exercises created by the community in various categories (web, network, programming, forensics, reverse engineering…) and a huge lab of ready-to-use virtual machines to launch and test your skills on.

Each of our challenge has corresponding resources (PDF files, videos…) in order to help you understand this specific subject and our huge and very active community is here to help you when you are stuck somewhere. Blog posts are also published by the community members for general knowledge base.

In addition to the whole cybersecurity e-learning aspect, we often organise cybersecurity live talks on Twitch, real life meetings between passionate people in this field, CTF tournaments, and many other cool events where you can win cool prizes!

The Root-Me platform has now become a reference in the french cybersecurity world and we created partnerships with many companies, organisations and schools in this field.

Last but not least, Root-Me is a non-profit organisation and we provide our services for free, for anyone! So if you are interested in the cybersecurity field and wants to start learning in a free, legal and fun way, join us!