Graslu00’s Server

Server related to GoldenEye and N64 mainly. Modern gaming welcome too. Official server of Graslu00's YouTube channel.

Graslu00's Server

Created: February 25, 2017

Members: 2945

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Gaming server mainly about GoldenEye and N64. Made for my YouTube community, but everyone is welcome to have a chat or play with us! We play both old and modern games, so jump in if you wish to play some GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Fortnite, Minecraft, or Halo between others.

We also offer help with issues related to the emulation of N64 titles and with the setup of 1964 GEPD Edition. If interested in GoldenEye for the N64, here you’ll be up to date with everything related to it, from real life events to new releases.