Huge Fungi Huggers

A cozy little server dedicated to the discussion & archival of nether tree/huge fungi, fungus, nylium & bonemeal farms

Huge Fungi Huggers

Created: January 10, 2022

Members: 4071

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The Huge Fungi Huggers Server is focused on providing a cohesive platform to develop, discuss and share technologies and designs on huge fungi/nether tree farms, as well as closely related fields such as fungi, bonemeal and nylium farms as well as a special technology called block 36 tnt.

This server has channels for people to come in and ask questions on farms, how to build and run them, troubleshooting requests, etc, as well as channels for designers to collaborate with others and work on making the most optimal design for a specific category. Each category of nether tree farm has it’s own channel to encourage specific development and even more exotic types have their own channel to promote the full range of possibilities when it comes to nether tree farming.

A main feature of this server are the channels in the ‘info’ category which contain everything you need to know, as well as every you don’t, about nether trees: from descriptions on every bit of jargon and terminology about them to statistics on how they generate to a wide array of charts and heatmaps showcasing where blocks are more likely to generate in a nether tree, these channels are literally a one stop shop for anything you want to know about nether tree farming.

Specifically in the #technical-resources channel, you can find a thread with a list of explanation videos in case you’re more of a visual learner, and in a majority of channels there’s pinned messages which delve into even more niche detail about specific topics.