Lincoln City Roleplay

Welcome to Lincoln! We are an Emergency Response: Liberty County roleplay community based out of Lincoln, Nebraska!

Lincoln City Roleplay

Created: September 01, 2022

Members: 3592

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:wave: **Lincoln City Roleplay**:wave:

Hello and Welcome to Lincoln City Roleplay. Here at our amazing server is many things for you to enjoy from being really small to humongous. We have numerous departments to roleplay in to further your experience and to make roleplaying a much better experience. We have full uniforms, liveries, and set-up departments ran by Department Heads and are always looking for new members. We have nice, respectful, and professional staff members here in our community. If you want to join our staff team, join our dizzy and apply in the applications channel. We are looking forward to meeting you all and hope you join our server in the future or present.

:speech_balloon: **Server Ownership & Founder**

**Founder: Mr15_YT**
**Director: The3LITEKing**

:confetti_ball: **What we offer?**:confetti_ball:

:office: Fully completed departments
:clipboard: Staff Applications
:white_check_mark: Daily Server Start Ups
:gift: Giveaways & Events
:oncoming_police_car: Completed Liveries
:safety_vest: Completed Uniforms

:classical_building: **Roleplay Departments**

:police_officer: Lincoln City Police
:star: Lancaster Sheriff’s Office
:oncoming_police_car: Nebraska State Patrol
:fire_engine: Lincoln City Fire Department
:man_construction_worker: Nebraska Department Of Transportation
:person_pouting: Lincoln City Civilian Operations
:evergreen_tree: Nebraska Game & Parks
:rotating_light: Federal Bureau Of Investigations

:bar_chart: **Server Link & Game Code**

:closed_lock_with_key: In-game Code: lincolnrp

:unlock: Discord Code: