MEE6™ Support

The best bot to build and grow your Discord server

MEE6™ Support

Created: March 17, 2016

Members: 272962

Join Discord Server

**Say hi to the new users on your Discord server**
Take advantage of the welcome message to inform newcomers about your server rules, topic, or ongoing events. You can design your own welcome card or keep it simple.

**Easily create your own custom commands**
MEE6 gives you full control to create the command of your dreams! Create commands that automatically give and remove roles and send messages in the current channels or in user’s DM.

**Quickly set up streaming & social media alerts**
Notify your server when you or your favorite content creators begin to stream, upload, and post content.
You can easily set up streaming alerts for Twitch, upload alerts for YouTube, and post alerts for Reddit and Twitter.

**Give users the freedom to choose roles by reacting**
Reaction roles are ready to be introduced to your server. Give your community the option to be pinged for new announcements, access to another parts of your Discord server, or just to identify themselves, by clicking on your chosen server’s emoji.

**& Much More!**
Check it out on our website: