
The official Discord server for NosTale! Published by Gameforge, developed by Entwell.


Created: October 01, 2019

Members: 30624

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NosTale is a free-to-play anime action MMORPG which takes you on an exciting journey through a world full of mystery with your friends. More than 40 specialist classes and tons of loyal pets provide plenty of excitement and variety in PvP, PvE and raids.

Become part of a thrilling journey and change the fate of the world. Explore breathtaking locations on your adventures, fighting against monsters and other players, or join forces to defeat even more powerful enemies.

Swordsmen, Archers, Mages and Martial Artists – each class offers a unique flavour and the opportunity to create your own personalised character. Tame wild animals, train them and use them tactically in battle. Even other players or partners can join you on your adventures.
Take some time out from adventuring in your very own Miniland, a place where you can build your own home, look after the garden and party with your friends.

Join an active community and play NosTale – free gaming fun for PC and notebook!