
This is the official Discord server for the mobile game, MapleStoryM!


Created: February 13, 2018

Members: 15565

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Missing the nostalgia of MapleStory and want to re-experience the magic on-the-go? Never played before but want to create your own story? Play MapleStoryM!

Come chat in a large, yet tightly-knit community of MapleStoryM players from every single region and server around the world. Here, you can get to know each other, discuss game theory, ask for help about the game, participate in fun community events, recruit for your guild, advertise your streams/channels, and even post your own art!

Get to know some of the MapleStoryM staff at Nexon! Talk with us about the game or about life, give us feedback about the game, or report any pesky bugs you find directly. We look forward to meeting you!