
Our environment hosts a diverse collection of people from any gaming play style. A community for games and relaxation


Created: November 21, 2017

Members: 1388

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Primordials is a community of friends united by camaraderie, and a desire to have fun while online gaming. Our environment hosts a diverse collection of people from any race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or gaming playstyle. Adventuring together and exploring what many multiplayer games have to offer.

Our community only retains members in its ranks that can uphold our values and adhere to our policies. Humor is always welcome, however, please try to be respectful and mindful that others might not share the same comedic mindset as those around them. There is a time and a place, learn your audience.

We expect all members to ensure that all actions they take are done with the mindset of ‘guild first’. Anything a member does reflects on the overall guild image and on all fellow members. We expect members to only take actions that reflect positively on the guild image that we have worked very hard to build and maintain.

There will be no hate speech, sexual/spiritual degradation, or racially motivated attacks of any kind to anyone. Whether to a guild mate or random player. If we catch you deliberately insulting another player, repercussions will be met.*

Primordials is a community of real life people. Everyone has lives inside and outside of the games we might play together. Do not forget this. Treat each other fairly and help out when you can. Make friends in the guild. At our core we are a Team of Friends. So make friends. Those friendships make us strong.