STEM Students | Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Server for Students, Professionals and Enthusiasts.

STEM Students | Science

Created: September 22, 2018

Members: 41903

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A dedicated place to discuss and learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects for professionals and enthusiasts or anyone who is interested regardless of their field of study or work. If you are interested in STEM even just as a hobbyist this server is for you and you are welcomed to join our discord community!

We have many enthusiasts eager to discuss and debate on STEM topics and even topics outside of it so long they follow discords ToS and guidelines.

Are you looking for help? Then this server is the right place. We have many helpers who are willing to help with STEM subjects such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer science, Programming, Engineering and many other subjects!

Do you like to compete and have an innate need of proving your skills? Then we have a ranking system based on thanks. When you help someone you will receive thank points and special roles according to your weekly rank. We also have leaderboards & roles for monthly and yearly points! The thank points are also divided per subject.

Are you a high school / university student looking for career or job advice? Then this server is where you need to be.