Work Smarter

Work Smarter is a Cybersecurity and IT community with Weekly Goals Meetings for career, skill, and personal development.

Work Smarter

Created: March 23, 2022

Members: 3353

Join Discord Server

Join the Work Smarter Discord server!

Be a part of a small community! You’ll have access to:
Weekly goals and accountability meetings
Shared resources and strategies for upskilling
Discussions surrounding career advancement, education
Nightly TryHackMe and HackTheBox livestreams
Behind-the-scenes information with industry pros
Opportunities to hang out and be a part of a community

We look forward to having you here!

Join our Weekly Goals and Accountability meeting! Check-in on your goals and establish your current week’s goals! Join us as we discuss our careers, education, and personal goals.

also, hop over to our # intros channel and tell us your story!
Who are you, where are you from, how did you find us, what are your interests, what are you working on currently, and how can we support you? Livestreams