Young World Federalists

The world-wide youth movement fighting to give humanity a voice in global affairs. Find out more:

Young World Federalists

Created: September 22, 2019

Members: 2144

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The Young World Federalists is a **global movement building support for world federalism.** We envision a sustainable, just, and peaceful world through a democratic world federation. A world run by humanity, for humanity, providing equal opportunity to all on a thriving planet. Our five principles are:

Create a **democratic world federation** empowered to serve the common interest of humanity.
️ Settle disputes and build world peace by basing international relations on **binding world law**.
⚖️ **Enforce human rights law** and make global solidarity a reality through globally accountable governance.
Protect our home through law and regulation, by **prosecuting crimes against the environment**, taking effective action on climate change, and building a sustainable economy.
Advance science, technology, the arts, and education from a **global perspective** so that all people may contribute to and benefit from new innovations.

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The Young World Federalists is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the USA.