Chainlink Official

Chainlink connects the world’s data and systems to blockchains, enabling builders to develop advanced web3 dApps.

Chainlink Official

Created: June 22, 2019

Members: 110732

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Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform connecting the people, businesses, and data of today with the Web3 world of tomorrow.

We are a global community dedicated to advancing smart contracts
Together we are making possible next-generation smart contracts powered by real-world data, events, and systems. Be a part of the future.

We are here to help you build using smart contracts and blockchains. With Chainlink you can seamlessly connect your smart contract to any API, use highly reliable automation, and integrate pre-built, time-tested solutions that already secure tens of billions in smart contract value for market-leading decentralized applications.

Get involved! Be a part of our global community by participating in open discussions and follow the most recent research in smart contract development.