Friendscord | Friendly Active Chatting • Social • Chill • Adults • Anime • Gaming • Fun • Art

Our server is the perfect place to find new friends and hang out with our fun and friendly community! Come join us today

Friendscord | Friendly Active Chatting • Social • Chill • Adults • Anime • Gaming • Fun • Art

Created: April 03, 2020

Members: 100528

Join Discord Server

Since Friendscord’s beginning, our server has been a place for people to easily meet and make new friends online. We’re now over two years old with an amazing community of over 80,000 users, and we’re continuing to grow every day! Our success is thanks to our amazing staff who work hard to create a safe and fun environment for everyone, as well as our unique features that make it easy for users to socialize and meet new people. If you’re looking for a supportive and friendly community, Friendscord is the place for you!