Jewish Community

Jewish Community is the biggest online Orthodox community, and welcoming to all who are willing to participate and learn

Jewish Community

Created: June 01, 2021

Members: 2627

Join Discord Server

Jewish Community is the biggest online Orthodox community, and willing to welcome those who want to participate and learn.
Join our community to experience the authenticity of Judaism, it’s culture and people!

We let you experience:

➢ An #ask-the-rabbi channel, where you can ask questions and interact with our server Rabbi (Jewish teacher/ scholar), targeted for Jews, he can provide you with not only answers on judaism, but consultation as well.

➢ 2 Shiruim (Torah study classes) per week, with our server Rav, and special shiurim with a world renowned Rabbi, join us to find out who it is..?!

➢ An “Ask-Jews” channel, where all members may ask any questions that they wish to learn about Judaism & Jewish beliefs!

➢ We provide you with a warm & welcoming community with a helpful Staff-crew who are easygoing!

➢ A wholesome Judaism category with an abundance of resources, and where Jews from anywhere can come and learn about the most authentic Judaism traditions prayers and culture!

And a myriad of fun and interesting stuff, but do join our server first, to have all these wonders revealed to you!