Sickboy Trades

We are a family based discord helping beginner stock traders/entrepreneurs achieve more daily through health and wealth

Created: February 02, 2022

Members: 19071

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To explain what this server and business can do for you! We have everything you need to learn new things, improve your skills, and meet new people. Crypto chat and news, with moderators and management who have made six or seven figures on their own and know a lot about stocks and life. We have a plan and channel for working out. Live call outs for both options and stocks, and full transparency in every way. We have a sports betting channel, a fashion channel, a cars channel, and an options and stock education channel where you can learn everything you need to know to trade and pick up a valuable skill. We have a live news channel that keeps up with all the changes in the US economy, stock market, international markets, and industries. We have like-minded men here, and we help you build everything you need, from the way you think to the skills you need to learn. Talk and news about the real estate market. Getting to know people and talking. We also stream movies and gambling in real time. Everyone here wants you to do well in life and learn more. We will show you every step of the way, from the beginning to the end.